FREE Coaching Tools
Take a look at the free coaching tools and journal prompts that I have included in my previous posts. You can download them all here by clicking on the images and use them either by yourself as a self-coaching activity or by partnering with a close friend/colleague.
Whenever I create some coaching tools or a set of journal prompts for my posts I will add them to this page so watch this space for updates!
Coaching Skills Assessment
Find out how you can use a coaching approach in everyday conversations then have a go at rating your coaching skills.
Identify your core values
Rediscover your core values through a variety of activities.
Create your Wheel of Life
Further information about the Wheel of Life exercise is available in my Steps to becoming a coach post along with details about other coaching techniques and useful resources for coaches.
The Wheel of Self-Care
Assess how well you are taking care of your needs in each of the key areas on the The Wheel of Self-Care and discover the self-care activities that would benefit you the most. Read my post on building a self-care routine to find out how to incorporate these activities into your daily life.
Try these self-care activities!
Looking for some simple self-care activities? Download the full list of 50 self-care ideas and have a go at the activities that appeal to you the most. You may even want to add a few of them to your self-care routine.
The Wheel of Connection
If you want to feel better connected to yourself and the people around you then take a look at my review of Super Psyched by Dr. Adam Dorsay and complete your own Wheel of Connection.
Visualise your ideal day
Further information about the Ideal Day exercise is available in my Steps to becoming a coach post along with details about other coaching techniques and useful resources for coaches.
Align with your core values
Further information on living in alignment with your values is available in my Steps to becoming a coach post along with details about other coaching techniques and useful resources for coaches.
Capture and challenge your inner critic
For more details on working through your limiting beliefs and challenging your inner critic see my Coach Training Update post (which also contains some helpful tips for new coaches).
What characters inhabit your inner boardroom?
More details on how to carry out this exercise, and other creative coaching tools, are available in my Life after coach training post.
Embrace all the wonderful things about you!
If you are on the journey to self-love and acceptance then use the worksheet above to help you to acknowledge your strengths and personal qualities and celebrate all the wonderful things about you!
Compile your fun list
Want to know how to get some more fun in your life? Read my Let’s talk about the F word post.
Unhappy with your job? Feel the love for your work again!
If you are no longer feeling happy at work and want to figure out what you can do to make your time at work better (or plan your next career move) then read my Help! I don’t love my job anymore! post and download the 8-page workbook above.
Explore your career timeline
Full instructions on how to complete this exercise and all the accompanying coaching questions are available in the Exploring your career timeline post.
Generate your career options
Further coaching questions to help you reflect on your career can be found in my Discover what your really want from your career post.
Balance Work and Study Successfully
Thinking about returning to study while you are working? Wondering how you would manage the demands of a course alongside a busy work schedule and all of your personal commitments? Check out the top strategies that have helped me to manage work and study (while also raising my family) and then put together your very own Study Survival Plan!
Develop a Growth Mindset
Download this 7-page workbook to find out how you can develop your growth mindset and read my review of Carol Dweck’s book, Mindset, which explains the difference between approaching life with a fixed mindset vs a growth mindset.
Maintain your Monk Mindset
Check out my review of Jay Shetty’s book, Think Like a Monk, and read the former monk’s tips on uncovering your authentic self, discovering your true calling in life, and addressing the negativity and fear that is holding you back.
Get back in touch with your creative side!
Is there something in your life or career that you would love to create? Do you have a creative project that you have been meaning to get off the ground? Does it seem like a long time since you have used your creativity? Take a look at my review of The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron and find out how you can start nurturing and exploring your creativity again.
Create your own inspiration board
In need of a boost of motivation? For tips on how to recall all the things that light you up and inspire you to take action then check out my post on creating your own inspiration board.
Morning Journal Template
Get your day off to a flying start using these 5 morning journal prompts.
Take control of your day and make it work for you!
Want to stop getting sidetracked and distracted during your day and gain more control over how you spend your time? Use these journal prompts to reflect on your productivity, identify what you need to do to enhance it, and make your day work for you!
Refine your approach to self-care
Want to take a closer look at your current self-care practices and explore your beliefs around self-care? The Self-Care Savvy Journal will encourage you to tune into your needs, examine your approach to self-care, re-frame unhelpful beliefs, and overcome other barriers, that stop you from prioritising your self-care. It will also enable you to build a self-care routine that serves you (both at work and in your personal life).
Build a daily mindfulness practice
Want to bring some calm into your day? Wish you could be more present and enjoy the here and now? Find out How to Build a Mindfulness Practice and create your own moments of mindfulness.
Beat digital overwhelm
Are you finding it hard to put down your phone or pull yourself away from the scrolling? Do you feel information overload from all the online resources that are now available? In need of a digital detox? Download this 2 page worksheet and read the accompanying post to find out how to Beat Digital Overwhelm!
Struggling to reach your goals? How might you be getting in your own way?
Read my review and key takeaways from Maybe You Should Give Up by Byron Morrison. The book is about the mental barriers that typically arise when we are pursuing our goals and the steps we can take to overcome them!
Create your own reading list
If you love to read personal development books (or would like to start reading them) and are wondering what books to select this year take a look at my post on how to create a reading list that is tailored to your personal development needs.
Summer Holiday Planner
Wondering how you are going to manage work and home life while keeping the kids entertained over the school summer holidays? Download the 3 page planner above and then read my post on how to create your very own summer holiday survival strategy.
Regain your focus and get back on track after the summer holidays
Ready to return to work after the school holidays and get on with pursuing your goals? Download this 2 page planner and reflect on the accompanying prompts to reconnect with what is really important to you, establish your goals, define the tasks that you want to focus on over the next 3 months and manage any distractions that might get in your way.
Christmas Planner
Keen to get organised this Christmas? Check out my post on Keeping your cool at Christmas time.
Celebrate your wins!
Read my post on why it is important to acknowledge and celebrate your wins and then use the journal prompts to help you to identify and reflect on your most recent achievements, to think of ways to celebrate and thank those who have supported you, and to create a reward system for your goals.
Journal prompts to help you to review your year and focus on the year ahead
If you would like to spend some time reflecting on the events that have happened in the year and want to set some goals or intentions for the next 12 months then read my top tips on how to Kickstart your yearly review and find your focus for the year ahead.
Time for your mid-year review!
Reviewing your goals on a regular basis will provide you with the opportunity to stop and acknowledge the successes you have had so far and will enable you to reset and refocus if you have gone off track. So, dig out your goals, download the journal prompts, and follow the steps in my post on how to review your goals and keep yourself on track.
Reflecting on your journal writing
The pages of your journal can contain many personal insights and life lessons that you can take away and use to make positive changes in your life. Find out when and how to reflect on your journal writing and download the accompanying journal prompts to assist your reflection.